30 Mar 2012

Bhutan Report part 1

29Feb to 12Mar 2012 I've been to Bhutan and Thailand. You might check most of them on my Facebook but I'm going to report what I studied about true happiness from my point of view. It's just my opinion, may be including some biases. I just want to remain my journey and tell how great it was... This time I'm going to write about Nature I saw in Bhutan.

3月1日から3月10日までブータンに滞在しました。フェイスブックで見てくれた人は大体分かるかもしれませんが、今回はブログでブータンについてのレポートをしていこうと思います。あくまでいち学生としての視点ですので、鵜呑みにしないでくださいね!f^^;) 今回はブータンの自然のことについてレポートします。途中で論点がずれますが、すべてはつながっているということでおおめに見てください。

Beautiful Nature


Do you know GNH? The term "gross national happiness" was coined in 1972 by Bhutan's then King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who has opened Bhutan to the age of modernization. He used the phrase to signal his commitment to building an economy that would serve Bhutan's unique culture based on Buddhist spiritual values. GNH mesures our happiness insted of GNP that mesues national welfare in the amount of stuff and money.


This Video is very very easy to understand and get to know about GNH!

Anyway, there is 4 pillars in GNH Policy
1.持続可能な社会経済開発 -Promotion of sustainable development-
2.環境保護 -Conservation of the natural environment-
3.伝統文化の振興 -Preservation and promotion of culturalvalues
4.優れた統治力 -Establishment of good governance-

 2.環境保護 -Conservation of the natural environment
One of them says Nature is very inevitable for GNH. Bhutan is occupied 75% by Natural forest and 52% of  Bhutan is protected area where even people are living. depending on the hight of mountain, life style is different and there are many minorities along with Nature. Also Bhutan's constitution have article 5 that is most about Nature.


I can say this nature constitution is the one of the factors that causes happiness in mind and spirit in Bhutan. I still don't know why exactly.. Look at my country, Japan. Even we have beautiful nature, most people are not interested in nature. I think they prefer money even they are living enough. living with nature might be limited our life, though if it is over the limit, much more worse incident happens. like the day of 3.11. it  showed us that nobody wins nature and nobody can live without nature. Their lives are limited comparing with our modern life but I can feel comfortable somehow. We are given a life by nature and we have to respect them. without nature we never feel happiness. In Bhutan it is developing city and economy. As I mention first, this country has article 5 that is about nature and I concur with this point. I wish they'd learn from it and create new types of development.


There is over 50% of national protected area and I found this board at the entrance of national park. there I took pictures above and even I didn't see at that time, different animals are living in that park.. I don't know who see tigers nor bares though..haha



Bhutan has few basin and they make this type of field called "terraced field". Most people are still farming by their hands because terraces are too small to introduce machines into there. That is surely hard working. As education is developing, younger people tend to leave their towns and they think farming is not their appropriate job anymore. Same as many countries, depopulation is going to be a serious problem. Government tries to build schools in rural areas and focus on education program not to cause depopulation.

隣の県へ行くときには、車道を通るのですが、山道しかないので先が見えませんでした。写真には収められなかったけれど、工事をするトラックであふれていました。そしてなぜかやたらと派手。白いトラックには必ず目がついていて、ピンクやグリーンのド派手な装飾、さらにパラリラパラリラ~っていうクランクションまで・・・。笑 たぶん建築関係の車なのでしょうが、ブータン人ではなかったです。


Bhutanese have known the importance of Nature as GNH says. One of the factors is religion, Buddhism. They have a lot of Temples in any regions and everybody believes Buddha. That is very good point.However, there are many problems on environment and one of them is about rubbish. Throughout Bhutan, there are many rubbish unfortunately. People don't know whether it's good or not because they through out plastics like as orange peers and nutshells. There are no incineration plants in Bhutan and they bother to carry them to India... This would be one of the serious problems in environment. 

In the end, this is the Himalayas right one of them is Chomolhari. 


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